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Homepage Sandrine Lablanche

Sandrine Lablanche, PUPH

Research Interests

•    Developing clinical research on technologic devices and/or innovative therapy for the treatments of patients suffering from type 1 diabetes and particularly from severe form of type 1 diabetes (Brittle diabetes)
•    Invested in clinical islet transplantation trials
•    Invested in multicentric, academic or industrial, national or international clinical trials evaluating the impact of new technologies for the treatment of type 1 diabetes (Pump therapy, Continuous Glucose Monitoring system, Closed Loop Devices)
•    Developing basic science research on the preservation islet viability during islet transplantation particularly testing: new therapeutic molecules in partnership with industrial companies and new technologies such islets microencapsulation with various collaborations.

Short Biography

•    University lecturer at University Grenoble Alpes (UGA)
•    Assistant Professor at the Grenoble Alpes University Hospital (CHUGA)
•    Member of the scientific board of the French Diabetes Society (SFD)
•    Member of the GRAGIL network
•    Member of the scientific board of Diabeloop SA (Start-up involved in the development of the closed loop device DBLG1)
•    Member of the educational committee of the European Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association (EPITA)


Type 1 diabetes, Transplantation, Pancreatic islets, health technology


Patent EP 19305415.2: “Capsule comprising insulin-secreting cells for treating diabetes” 2019


  • Improved Human Islets' Viability and Functionality with Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Arg-Gly-Asp Tripeptides Supplementation of Alginate Micro-Encapsulated Islets in Vitro. Camille Laporte, Emily Tubbs, Maxime Pierron, Amanda Gallego, Anaïck Moisan, Frédéric Lamarche, Tamara Lozano, Andrea Hernandez, Cécile Cottet-Rousselle, Anne-Sophie Gauchez, Virginie Persoons, Frédéric Bottausci, Caroline Fontelaye, François Boizot, Sandrine Lablanche and Florence Rivera. BBRC, May 2020
  • Predicting factors associated with hypoglycaemia reduction with automated predictive insulin suspension in patients at high risk of severe hypoglycaemia: an analysis from the SMILE randomized trial. Aklilu Habteab, Javier Castañeda, Harold de Valk, MD, Pratik Choudhary, Emanuele Bosi, Sandrine Lablanche, Simona de Portu, Julien Da Silva, Linda Vorrink-de Groot, John Shin, Ohad Cohen – Diabetes therapeutic and Technology, May 2020
  • Characterization of Daily Glycemic Variability in Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes Using A Mixture of Metrics. Zheng F, Jalbert M, Forbes F, Bonnet S, Wojtusciszyn A, Lablanche S, Benhamou PY. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2020 April.
  • Glycemic variability indices can predict islet transplantation success in type 1 diabetic patients. Manon Jalbert, Fei Zheng, Anne Wojtuscizyn, Florence Forbes, Stéphane Bonnet, Pierre-Yves Benhamou, Sandrine Lablanche on behalf of TRIMECO Study Group. Acta Diabetol. 2019 Oct 10
  • Efficacy and safety of suspend-before-low insulin pump technology in hypoglycemia-prone adults with type 1 diabetes (SMILE): an open-label randomised controlled trial. Bosi E, Choudhary P, de Valk HW, Lablanche S, Castañeda J, de Portu S, Da Silva J, Ré R, Vorrink-de Groot L, Shin J, Kaufman FR, Cohen O; SMILE Study Group. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2019 Jun
  • Indications for islet or pancreatic transplantation: Statement of the TREPID working group on behalf of the Société francophone du diabète (SFD), Société française d'endocrinologie (SFE), Société francophone de transplantation (SFT) and Société française de néphrologie - dialyse - transplantation (SFNDT). Wojtusciszyn A, Branchereau J, Esposito L, Badet L, Buron F, Chetboun M, Kessler L, Morelon E, Berney T, Pattou F, Benhamou PY, Vantyghem MC; TREPID group. Diabetes Metab. 2019 Jun
  • Human mesenchymal stem cells improve rat islet functionality after cytokines exposure trough a Heme oxygenase-1/Ferritin heavy chain subunit pathway up-regulation. Laporte C, Tubbs E, Cottet-Rousselle C, AS Gauchez, Moisan A, Fontaine E, Benhamou PY, Lablanche S Stem Cell Res Ther. 2019 Mar 12
  • New Automatized Method of 3D Multiculture Viability Analysis Based on Confocal Imagery: Application to Islets and Mesenchymal Stem Cells Co-Encapsulation. Chabert C, Laporte C, Fertin A, Tubbs E, Cottet-Rousselle C, Rivera F, Orhant-Prioux M, Moisan A, Fontaine E, Benhamou PY, Lablanche S. Front Endocrinol, 2018 May
  • S Lablanche, MC Vantyghem, L Kessler, A Wojtusciszyn, S Borot, C Thivolet, S Girerd, D Bosco, Bosson Jl, C Colin, R Tetaz, S Logerot, J Kerr-Conte, E Renard, A Penfornis, E Morelon, F Buron, K Skaare, G Grguric, C Camillo-Brault, H Egelhofer, K Benomar, L Badet, T Berney, F Pattou, PY Benhamou. Islet transplantation versus insulin therapy in patients with type 1 diabetes with severe hypoglycaemia or poorly controlled glycaemia after kidney transplantation (TRIMECO): a  randomised parallel study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2018 Jul;6(7):527-537.
  • Lablanche S, Borot S, Wojtusciszyn A, Bayle F, Tétaz R, Badet L, Thivolet C, Morelon E, Frimat L, Penfornis A, Kessler L, Brault C, Colin C, Tauveron I, Bosco D, Berney T, Benhamou PY; GRAGIL Network. Five-Year Metabolic, Functional, and Safety Results of Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Transplanted With Allogenic Islets Within the Swiss-French GRAGIL Network. Diabetes Care. 2015 Sep;38(9):1714-22
  • Lablanche S, Borot S, Thaunat O, Bayle F, Badet L, Morelon E, Thivolet C, Wojtusciszyn A, Frimat L Kessler L, Penfornis A, Brault C, Colin C, Bosco D, Berney T, Benhamou PY; on behalf of the GRAGIL NetworkImpact of Anti-Insulin Antibodies on Islet Transplantation Outcome: Data From the GRAGIL Network.. Transplantation. 2014; 98 (4): 475-82.
  • Borot S, Niclauss N, Wojtusciszyn A, Brault C, Demuylder-Mischler S, Müller Y, Giovannoni L, Parnaud G, Meier R, Badet L, Bayle F, Frimat L, Kessler L, Morelon E, Penfornis A, Thivolet C, Toso C, Morel P, Bosco D, Colin C, Benhamou PY, Berney T; GRAGIL Network. Impact of the number of infusions on 2- year results of islet-after-kidney transplantation in the GRAGIL network. Transplantation 2011;92:1031-8.
  • Niclauss N, Bosco D, Morel P, Demuylder-Mischler S, Brault C, Milliat-Guittard L, Colin C, Parnaud G, Muller YD, Giovannoni L, Meier R, Toso C, Badet L, Benhamou PY, Berney T. Influence of donor age on islet isolation and transplantation outcome. Transplantation 2011; 91(3):360-6.

Sandrine Lablanche, PUPH

sandrine_lablanche.jpg (sandrine[dot]lablanche[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
Phone number: +33 (0) 4 76 63 53 98
Office number: 205.2

Submitted on June 23, 2020

Updated on March 1, 2024